By 2025, 70% of new applications developed by enterprises will use low-code or no-code technologies (Gartner)
Adapt a model to your domain
1 hour
Use as few as 10 examples per class to finetune a model to understand your industry’s language.
Reduce annotation and training efforts by
up to
Symanto Brain instantly understands your classification task and creates custom text classifier without any training data required.
Deploy your model to GPU infrastructure with
Deploy and use production-ready models via Rest API without having to worry about AI infrastructure.
Each model created with Symanto Brain supports over 50 languages natively and can process text from mixed languages without translation in one go.
Understanding nuance and context
Symanto Brain employs custom built neural network models capable of understanding entire phrases instead of single keywords. It can identify intent, emotions, psychographics, values, references, negations, etc.
Easy finetuning
Enhance the performance of your model and adapt to your domain using as few as 10 examples for each class thanks to our active learning based technology.
Symanto Brain for Conversational AI
Create excellent conversational experience easier than ever.
Symanto Brain for Data Annotation Service
Provide high-quality and cost-efficient annotation service with next-gen NLP engine.
Symanto Brain for Data Annotation Platform
Create efficient annotation capability with transformer-based programmatic labelling.